Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I can only pray for strength right now.

I really highly doubt that working an 8 to 5 job is really this tiring. On the other days where I had to return to work in the mornings because AIC declared no classes for those days, I didn't feel as tired as I am right now.

The kind of exhaust I feel is just indescribable.

But maybe it's because I went to work over the weekend, staying as late as 12 midnight on Sunday. And then realizing that Rachelle and me forgot to turn off the hallway aircon, thus causing me to wake up at 4.25am the next day (Monday) to reach school before 6.30am so that the auntie won't come in and catch the aircon having been left on the entire night. I slept at 1am and woke up at 4.25am. Imagine how super duper shagged I was for work that Monday, which is actually yesterday!

I can't believe I lost sleep over an aircon........ =.=

But I'm still glad I came over the weekend. Everything is pretty much set up and ready for yesterday, for the children to practise with me just for my supervisor when she comes on Monday and Tuesday.

So nervous already, but my morning kids are pretty bright and smart, so there shouldn't be any problem. If my supervisor was going to observe me with my afternoon class, I'd probably cry on the spot. Hahaha.

Tomorrow, I plan to talk to my darling principal to tell her that I want the morning K2 class next year and the afternoon K1 class. We'll see how it goes.
I wanna be this carefree again.
I feel so mega shagged.

Till my next post.
Whenever that is.

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