Monday, July 18, 2016


Editted by: Ahmad <3 p="">


The first Eid without my dearest grandfather, well, not the same anymore.
But we all move on and forward.

InsyaAllah, I'll be graduating next year in May.
I'll be registering for the graduation soon, teehee.
Alhamdulillah for the journey thus far, though challenging, still manageable.

I can't believe I started my degree during the SPARK period/year.
Because that was the toughest/stress-est I've ever been in my life.
Not even exams in pri/sec school got me this stressed out.
SPARK is brutal. :(

I'm still trying to decide between resigning at the end of 2016 or after Semester 1 in 2017.
I haven't discussed this with the boss so I'll leave it till appraisal period to raise it.
Of course, leaving earlier is better on my financial situation, especially.

I know it's been too long. Sometimes, I just don't know what to say.
I've been in the baddest of moods last week for the entire week. :O

Anywayssss, till next time, InsyaAllah.
Planning an end of year vacay thanks to my sister's sponsorship teehee.
Guess providing for her has paid off somehow teehee.
Can't wait! :3

Till next time. InsyaAllah.
Busy bee la this one. Soz.

Cause I been talking to my friends
The way you take away my breath
It's something bigger than myself
It's something I don't understand