Saturday, June 9, 2018

Over a month late but better late than never, right?
Alhamdulillah! We’re officially engaged!

I’ve actually got lots to update. It’s been a while since I last blogged/posted.
But it’s not only because I was busy, but because I couldn’t figure out how to blog from my iPad. 
*insert noob emoji here*
My style has always been to include a picture with my posts but Blogger just could NOT access my iPad photo stream. 
So, I dragged on and on from last year till now.
Update: My Macbook finally died on me. My last post was before it died hahaha.
But anyway, I finally figured it out on my iPad!
So, here’s my favourite engagement film photo that my sis took of us on 29th April.
That day was just perfectly magical.
*heart eyes*
I’ll be back with proper long updates because I just miss blogging in general.
So much has happened so I’ve gotta put all that down in words. 
This blog has been my diary for almost 10 years now.
And over the years, I blogged less hahaha.
Wow, adulthood is hard.
Till next time.