Sunday, November 9, 2014

Graduation Concert '14 is finally over!!!!!
Kudos to the kids for their efforts!

 The boy who can make me vomit blood.
He was the last person to get his face painting done.
A few minutes before his dance, he wiped the whole chunk of painting off his face on his shirt.
Tell me how I don't feel like ripping off my tudung in anger.
This year, as a form teacher, I learnt that every teacher needs a teacher's pet.
This is mine.
The one and only child in my class who would offer me help.
Who would remind me about things I may forget to do like opening the windows, taking attendance in the red file, writing the day and date on the board.
He'd help me give out worksheets, communication books, whatever.
He's the perfect role model for the class.
I think I would have long gone crazy with this class if I didn't have his help.
I love you long time, Ern Kang. 
& I will always remember you as my best student. :3