Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I had fun the past 3 days. I honestly did. But it's sad to say that I couldn't get to spend as much quality time as I wanted with the one that matters most. I miss him. He said he missed me. But when we finally have 3 days to ourselves, it felt to me like we didn't spend enough time together. I don't know if I expected too much from the start but I'd really hoped to spend more time with him. I understand that he was tired, I understand that he had a lot of things to do. But we barely had this much free time with each other around, and we didn't make the most out of it.

It saddens me even more that our 31st month didn't even feel like a monthsary. It felt like just another day. Or maybe it's just me. Emotional, sensitive me.

I was glad I had friends to hang out with through both nights that I tried not to sleep. Because I knew this is the only time left that I have with them before we graduate. Who knows, after graduation, everyone goes their separate ways and it will get harder to arrange gatherings like this again? I had so much fun last night till 5am playing Monopoly Deal with Fahmi, Alfian, Alia, Mai and Siti Nurul. Laughing at Shaa freaking out at a huge lizard on the ceiling. Heart to heart talks with Fahmi and Mai. I can't get these kinds of moments the same way ever again. & I wish you had been there to share that with me.

I guess what I'm really feeling is just disappointment. Or maybe, I should have tried harder. Because after this, I have nothing but work work and work. Our chance to spend time together is gone. Sigh.

On a brighter note:
Our beloved boy, Habib, has officially turned 1 year old today.

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