Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Read this: click!

To tell the truth, the whole post made me cry. Out of the many comments I read, this one fits so much.

I cried just reading the title and first sentence. I'm going through a break up with the first real man I've ever been with and the first real love. Not an adolescent connection, but a mature intimacy. A romance. A completely consuming love.

But, we're not together anymore. People change. Or, in our case, I think we maybe didn't. We just were different people all along. Fighting to make it work. Good people, trying to be good to one another. But it was too hard.

There's at least something every single day that makes me think of him. It's painfully piercing. I miss him.

It was real, too.

Sometimes, the posts on Le Love can make me cry, and some may even fit what I really feel. Sometimes, it's nice to know that someone has gone through something I'm going through and I would be able to learn from their mistakes. But sometimes, when there's too much pain in a particular story, it hurts too. :(

Okay, GNK camp ended today. Very, very tired, especially since I rushed through the 'gifts' from over the weekend until 2am last night. Okay, I don't wanna talk about that. Heart pain. *punches heart*

The best thing about the coming days is that we will be preparing our room for the arrival of our new wardrobe!!!!! *does the hula dance around the house* Fat woman and family have officially moved out, like, last week. I dunno, I don't care. They've given us enough problems the past 2 years to last us a lifetime. Unfortunately, there is not a single doubt in my mind that they would still cause more problems in future. And duhhhh, it would all be about money. My late aunt left a huge sum of money under my mother's name, and the siblings are all arguing with my mum to share it. Kepala otak kau berjambol kat pantat kau. You didn't even look after your sick sister and you claim that you have a right to have a share of that money. Desperate pe nak duit? Sampai duit orang dah mati pon kau nak. Pabo.

Okay, on a happier note, I came home today to an excited sister telling me excitedly about the exciting new colour she chose for the room. Some kind of light pink colour. She tried to pry the lid of the paint can open, but couldn't, so, tired as I was, I told her it could wait till tomorrow when we paint the room. I cannot wait till the wardrobe arrives on Monday, and then see the outcome of our new room's look.


Sorry for the long hiatus the past week. I've been too tired to update this little space of mine. So I hope this update is sufficient for another week-long hiatus. Hahahahaha. I'll blog again soon, that is, if there is anything worth blogging about.

My back hurts from the Hunter game when Shaa fell on me. Never knew she was that heavy. Or maybe I'm just too small. :/

Okay, I guess this should be all. Off for my well-deserved beauty sleep.

I hope you're trying as hard as I am
But I'm trying twice as hard to be patient

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