Date with this girl today pulak. 'cause she wanted to see the T3 slide, as well as give me my saline solution for my contact lens. Yes, peeps, I have to wear contact lens now. Just my right eye. To smooth out the irregular surface of my cornea. Anyway, we didn't really have a plan of what to do. Walked around back and forth from T1 to T2 (like no sense of direction, haha.), and finally settled at T2 Ya Kun Kaya and chatted like makcik mane entah. Then, walked around again. Found the slide at T3 but no, we didn't slide down. Much too old, and much too big, haha. Then, hang at the T3 Mc's. Drank a frappe (doesn't help my cough, though!) while she drank a hot chocolate. After that, head home. Currently waiting for news of her sister-in-law, who is about to give birth. :D
Happy Father's Day, Abah! Thank you for everything you've done for me the past 19 years. Thank you and Umie, for not giving up on me back in 1991. I know the whole story now, and I appreciate it so much. Everything you've done for this family, how we grew up, how we turned out, how you work so hard to provide us with the best, how you encourage us to do what is right, how you advise us to make the right life decisions, how you always support us in our studies and never expect us to achieve higher, how you praise us when we do well, how you are always so patient with everything this family goes through (especially right now). The list goes on. You've been the best father I can ever ask for and I count myself lucky to have you. Recent events have made me realize so many things. One of them is you and Umie. I don't think I'll ever live through this if it weren't for you both. I'm sorry for the times when I get angry with you over small things. I'm sorry if sometimes, you have to watch me in pain and it hurts you both. & I'm sorry for the burden I can be sometimes. I love you two so much. :)
& I should mention that today's Hindi movie made me cry like hell. So much tears that when the movie ended, I had a headache. Baghban. About family ties. Damn sad, damn touching. :( Actually, I cried a lot today. First is the VeerZaara movie that I recorded long time ago. Felt like watching it. Then, Baghban. I love movies that can make me cry. :)
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