Goodness. Been a while since I last updated. I was really very tired, and very busy. Even in school. There is always so much to do; research, presentation and Gamelan, of course. Which reminds me, Kirana is like, next week! OMG, and I have still yet to work on my singing parts. This is gonna be hard, man. & oh! All tickets are sold out!! Weeeeeeee~~~
I'll post something loooooooong tonight, just in case I'm too busy to update some more over the next few days. :) Brace yourselves!
OMG, my poor phone! Yupps, I dropped it into the toilet bowl by accident, for real. I ain't kidding. I was trying to take my 2nd urine sample (which I found out later that it was to check if I was pregnant. I was like, WTF?) and this darling phone was in my jeans pocket. It must have slipped, and plop! Masok toilet bowl. Kau. Panicked like.... You get the idea. Nak kencing pon tak jadi. I seriously don't remember how I actually took it out from the toilet bowl. Lucky thing is, I haven't peed. Or else, mygod, I can't imagine what would have happened. So, once the phone was out, grabbed tissues and wiped the outside. Rushed out of the cubicle to find a hand-dryer and damn, no hand-dryer. I swore like nobody's business. Gawd. In the end, the phone couldn't be saved. Operation was a failure. :( The phone went sot. Like, really sot. I didn't even press camera, it went to camera mode. Then it locked by itself, and I couldn't unlock it. I was like, fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckkk. & that was the time when I found out that I had to be admitted. How to tell Ahmad and Natasha??? Panicked like shit. Sheeeeeeesh. So yeah. K770i, rest in peace, darling.
& I miss Nenek. It's like, every morning since last Thursday, I will like, hear her voice. & then, when the nurses come to bathe her, she'll like make jokes and I can hear them from the other side of the curtains and it's like so cute. I plan to visit her this weekend. Gonna buy her a new wordsearch book to keep her not bored for the rest of her stay. :)
&&& today was AWWW-SOME!!! A lot of good things happened. One, I got my first B for this semester. It's like, 3rd week, and I got a B! This is like better than last semester. Two, I didn't feel any pain the whole day! Except for the walk to Woodlands Interchange with Ahmad. But I think that's because I laughed so much. Third, watched "The Notebook" with dearest Ahmad. Like, FINALLY. & the movie is sweet, actually, except that err, it's a little porn-ish. & M, why would you cry? I didn't even shed a single tear. I thought A Walk To Remember was a lot sadder, and it's also a novel by Nicholas Sparks. I bawled my eyes out at both the book and movie. But then M, I understand why you like The Notebook. Thanks for sharing, babe! Love you.
& now, the HIGHLIGHT of the day. :)
But, as promised,
Alright, I'm tired now. Goodnight to all! :)
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