Sarah just smsed me for malay guys names that goes like this: Fa _ _ _ l. I gave her a short list and she likes Fazeel !!! Sarah is weirrrrrdd. o.O
I think Mum's words yesterday made sense. I've never been the religious kinda person, although sometimes I can be. But after repeating Mum's words to Sarah today, I'm beginning to understand the meaning of it now. I know that being sick is actually sorta a cobaan from Allah for you, like a test? (I'm trying my best not to sound soooo ustazah-ish.) But it didn't stop me from questioning my mum again last night. & she went: "Do you know or not? You sakit right, is ujian from Allah. (I know) Allah wants to test your kesabaran. So you have to sabar. But you know not? (Whaaat?) You have to bersyukur that you sakit. (Why? Who likes being sick?) Yar, but when you're sick, your dosa when you small small or what, Allah minus minus. (Oh eh?) So your dosa lesser. (Oooooo...) And furthermore, Allah kasi you sakit kan. Only Allah has the cure. So you have to banyak do'a. So you cepat sembuh. (Ooooh...)"
End of story. Adoii, mak aku ni. But it's still true.
This got me thinking all day, even in the bus on the way home. & oh! Speaking of bus! I met, no, saw 2, no, 3 of my primary schoolmates in bus 81 just now. Well, 3 because 2 are twins. SS and Julius. I remember the twins 'cause back in P.6, we used to play soccer under the block together with the old gang. & Julius, whoa, the sickening childish boy who always, always, always bullied me in P.5, is umm, all grown up. We alighted at the same bus-stop, and yeah, didn't even say hi or even acknowledge each other. We went our separate ways. I was like, okaaaaaaay. Haha.
It's weird how fast time flies and you're leaving the first class you ever stepped in in RP soon. A few more weeks till we last have our fun together as a class. Hmm, shall emo about this another time.
I'm so friggin' tired.
All the time I wasted on you,
All the bullshit you put me through
I'm checking into rehab
'cause everything that we had
Didn't mean a thing to you
All the bullshit you put me through
I'm checking into rehab
'cause everything that we had
Didn't mean a thing to you
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