Sunday, September 23, 2012

One Day

I finally watched the movie, One Day, which has Anne Hathaway as the lead actress and I must say, for the first time, the movie is more interesting than the book. I found the book too descriptive. It's funny and quirky, but too... meh. I can't put my finger down as to what it really is that turns me off from the book. I only continue reading it in the toilet. Ha. Ha. I'm absolutely serious.

Anne Hathaway, with a British accent. She did it pretty well. :)

Anyway, it's Natasha's birthday today. It really sucks that she is currently many, many miles away. So far, we've contacted each other through Whatsapp, and I wished her this morning. I'm hoping to Skype with her really soon. It must be scary to celebrate your birthday alone for the first time in a foreign land. I really hope she will be safe there. But her flatmates seem fine, so she should be okay huh. Sigh. I wish I could go there and see her next year or something. Sigh.

Mum dreamt of Habib Saggaf today. Apparently, he was telling her that she should receive money from me, no matter how little, because I'm working. He said if she doesn't, I won't get the berkat. From the start, I already wanted to give my parents money but my mum refused, because she said I'm not really working. I tried giving her but she pushed me away. Then now that she dreamt of Habib Saggaf, she decided that I should and I was like, "See? I told you." She said she called Ummi Aisyah after she woke up and apparently, Ummi was like, "Ya, memang betul. Kalo kamu ngga terima uangnya Fazlun, dia ngga dapat berkat. Ambil aja uangnya, berapa sedikit pun, ambil." Quoted from le mother. I was thinking like, seriously, my family is so lucky to be close to such people.

& so, Ahmad. He already booked in again today. I miss him the minute he texted me that he was on the way there. This feeling of being left behind, I just can't push it away. :(

I'm dreading the week ahead. Assignment and the practicum draft need to be completed by Friday, I swear I'm not going to procrastinate for this one. I have such a strict supervisor and it sucks so much. :(

Tomorrow's a Monday. Ugh. I'm feeling the blues already. I miss being in class and studying already. Especially with the girls who make lessons so much less dreary.

The picture above kind of describes One Day a little. :)

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