Friday, May 16, 2014

Say Something

Rose are red
Violets are blue
You guys drive me up the wall
But I still love you

I can feel the stress creeping in again. But I keep Ahmad's super fierce advice in mind all the time: Clean up YOUR shit first, before cleaning others'.

It basically means for me to finish up whatever work I have, before lending others a hand. Because I always do the opposite; so willing to help others but my work isn't done yet, thus causing it to pile higher than Mt. Everest. So when he came down last Saturday:

I had fun having his help. Because he was ALOT of help. I couldn't carry the tables and chairs all by myself so I was quite thankful to have a hunk around. Actually, the mess was all because of the Mothers' Day Tea Party we had with the K2 children's moms. It was a huge success, but the entire week caused me extreme fatigue, coming home at near midnight almost everyday before that Friday.

So thank you, Mr. Ahmad Mustaqim, for your help in cleaning my classroom and the gym room next door. As well as for playing with the tricycles excitedly. Hahaha. :3

Been in a turmoil of emotions the past week. So glad that at least I managed to talk about it with my 'personal psychologist'. I'm just gonna give myself time to heal from this. Things will get better, InsyaAllah.

I hope for a better week ahead. All I can think of right now is portfolio, portfolio, portfolio. Sigh.

Say something I'm giving up on you
I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you

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