I burst out laughing sia! Hee-lair-ree-years!
I am very upset today because of something a friend of mine is going through. I think it is unfair to him and I just wanna say how I feel about his whole situation right here.
First thing first, I just want you to be strong for now. Maybe this is a test for your love, to see how far you would go for her, and how much you would sacrifice for her; be it through time, money, friends, commitments etc. & seriously, if I were her, I wouldn't have done what she did. Actions speak louder than words. & from all that you have done for her, I really think you are such a sweet guy. If she's not touched by it, I am.
We all know trust is important in a relationship. But what say if your partner says things that makes you suspect that they're lying? Be it a big or small lie, a lie is still a lie. Even if it's something as small as saying they're not online on MSN but they actually are. Or something big like saying they went out with a girl friend, but it was actually a guy. What would you do if this were your case?
I admire him because he's being really strong, always giving in and I know he loves her a lot. I can see that. & he does not deserve this kind of treatment. I don't understand why this is happening to him.
Every fight leads to her suggesting a breakup. I may not have been in many relationships in my life, and I'll admit, the ones I had were like those I'm-too-young-to-understand relationships which usually end badly. But I do know that if you really love that person, you would do anything and everything to work things out and not use the 'B' word. I mean, what is the point of being in a relationship if you can't even sort a little problem out with each other? It's all about trial and error, giving and taking, compromising with each other. A relationship takes two hands to clap; if he/she is fighting so hard for you, you should fight as hard too. If you really love each other, then prove it to one another, show that the relationship is worth the effort.
What am I talking about?
Seriously, I would really love to talk to you about what you're putting him through. I've seen his face enough to know how much your every little action hurts him. He is going through a lot right now, worrying and being all stressed up about you and the relationship, yet, you're out there somewhere probably thinking everything is okay. This angers me, I swear. He worries so much that it's so hard to make him calm down. For as long as his relationship with you has been, he has never come to me about any of his fights with you. I knew whatever you both were facing, you'll be able to work it out together. But this time, I don't know what went wrong.
I wish there was something I could do to help him. Even I doubt the advices I gave him, because even though he agreed with me, he didn't sound particularly convinced. And neither am I. I just know that for now, it is better that they talk every single thing out face to face.
I'm really disappointed, not gonna lie. I was so happy for him, so happy that he found you, that he has you to make him happy. I didn't mind that he and I are not as close as we were before, now that he has you. I really didn't mind. I was really, truly, so, very, tremendously happy for him no words can describe the euphoria. But seeing the way you act, I don't know, it's just making me feel angry with you. He was there whenever I needed him, whenever even my loved ones can't be there for me, he was my listening ear. He listened to me, understood me and gave me advice. He was like a brother to me, and he means a lot to me. Now you're doing this, I can't help but feel angry.
Whatever it is, I hope things will get sorted out as soon as possible.
Anyway, (wow, long update), first day wearing tudung to school today. Shocked a lot of people, especially my classmates. Rafi's shock was the best. He couldn't recognize me for the first 3 seconds. HAHAHAHAHAH.
At the end of today, I felt so goooooood. It's like, for the first time, I feel.....clean/cleansed. As in, my soul. Or something. The feeling can't be explained. Hmm~~
Tell me I'm frozen but what can I do?
Can't tell the reasons, I did for you
When lies turn into truth, I sacrificed for you
You say that I'm frozen, but what can I do?