The buns above were from Abah Habib Saggaf's bread factory. We tasted it back in Indonesia, when we were staying over at the Pesantren. & it's daaaaaaaaamn nice!! Peanut butter flavour. Freaking nice.
I kind of miss the simplicity in Indonesia. I mean, here in Singapore, I'm surrounded by people who concern themselves with high living and luxury, that they don't stop to appreciate what they already have. All they want is more, more and more so that they can show off to their friends and families. I just don't get it and I'm getting sick of it.
Kau dah la berhutang, nak beli barang-barang mahal lagi. Kau bodoh pe?! Tuhan bagi kau otak, pakai la sikit. Anak dah berlambak, masih nak beli barang yang kau totally tak perlukan. Okay, part tu aku tak pasal la eh. Kakak kau tengah sakit sampai nak mati, kau ade pernah ambek kisah tak? Gi mampos la kau!
Sheesh. I'm boiling with anger right now. For the first time for as long as my sick aunt has lived in this house, I saw her vomit. It was terribly heartbreaking to watch. I had to leave her to vomit just so I wouldn't start crying. I sat outside at the sofa to calm my heart down. It's so heartbreaking to know that she's only alive waiting for the day her cancer will kill her. Oh great, now I'm crying.
I hate belonging to this family, but I think there is a reason why I'm part of this whole mess. It has taught me many lessons about life, and I know that from these lessons, I will be able to live my life as a better, stronger person. From all the mistakes each family member makes, I learn from there and not repeat them.
I feel like downloading L4D2 into my laptop again. Haha. I found my mouse. :D
I wanted, I wanted you to stay
Cause I needed, I need to hear you say
That I love you, I have loved you all along
& I forgive you for being away for far too long
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