Sunday, May 4, 2014

We have a lion in the house!
Meet newly shaved Lumos!
Looooove the tail so much!


What a week(s) it has been. The lack of updates made me realise how much things I wanted to pen down lately but never really had the energy to do it. What they say is true; when you're young, you have more time, more energy but no money. When you're an adult and working, you have more money but less time and energy.

But I just realised that the older I get, the more forgetful I am, and the more careless I am. I'm beginning to think there's something wrong with me. Sigh.

Since it's now May, it means the month of portfolios. I'm screwed because I haven't even started one, but I'm actually about to right now. There's more I want to say, more that I need to vent and let out but I'll save it for another time.

On a brighter note, I received my Letter of Completion for my DECCE-T already and my boss showed me how much my increment would be. It was more than my whole family expected, so, Alhamdulillah for that. It means that I can save more. :)

I want to train myself to complain less now. I need to learn to embrace life as it is. Others are going through worse than me, so I have to be grateful for right now. Life is precious, that's why every moment counts.

Till my next post, InsyaAllah. 

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