Salam, everyone.
Alhamdulillah, I've met yet again another month of Ramadhan. I hope everyone's doing well and making use of this blessed month to be closer to our Creator. Semoga ibadah puasa kita diterima Allah Swt. Amin.
It's been a while since I last posted. I'm not sure why but I was terribly tired this week. Maybe it was the effects from my incoming period, which came today. I had really bad terrible cramps because of it, and it somehow affected my mood at work. I was harsher to the children, losing my patience with the slightest things, getting so annoyed with Jeanne but choosing to just shut up. I felt bad for the kids at the end of the day because I'm not like this. I was never like this. I don't normally let my mood swing affect the way I behave to the children but today, I was just so.... out of control. It hurts to pee too, ya know. I really, really hate getting my period. I still feel so bad for scolding the kids too much today. Especially Muhammad. :(
I've got assignments due next week and I haven't even started. I feel like crap right now. The past week has been crazy. I got to know the real truth about Jeanne. Deep down, I already knew something was up, there was just something up with the way she exaggerates situations, but I just chose to ignore it because I don't like to assume things without concrete evidence. But yesterday, I finally found out the truth and it annoyed the hell out of me. All this backstabbing and backbiting others will never leave this field. I, for one, have to get used to that, but I can't seem to. I just keep forgetting. I don't know why such humans exist.
I still gotta reiterate how much I like my principal though. I can see that she does have passion for this field. I spoke to her for a while after work today about continuing on to degree. Apparently, by 2014, principals should have a degree if they want to stay on in their leadership roles, otherwise, they'd have to step down. She was considering taking a degree but she doesn't mind stepping down because she's quite tired of the leadership role. I'm quite amazed at how the qualification requirements change so fast and so much in just a short period. Singapore is so competitive. Nak je macam negeri lain.
I really can't wait to get my diploma transcript. I could do with a little salary boost. I feel so helpless while my parents struggle to feed my family. Sigh.
I am feeling so sleepy now. Bahaha. So much for wanting to stay up to do my assignment. Or maybe I will. Stupid cramps. So painful, T.T
There's so much more I want to say here, so much reflection to do but my eyes aren't permitting me to stay up. Hahaha.
I just realized that next month, when my relationship marks its fourth year, it would be falling on the eve of Hari Raya. Double celebration or what. Unfortunately, my babies will be performing on stage for the National Day celebration with the other centres in Kampong Chai Chee branch. MP Lee Shyan will be the guest-of-honour so, yeah. The kids will be dancing to Xiao Xiao Ping, whatever that means and the Singapore cheer. I foresee that it'll be messy, because my babies are just.... still babies.
Until my next post. Salam. :)
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