Monday, July 22, 2013

Hijab Hijrah 2013


Here I am gonna be sharing my experience at the Hijab Hijrah event yesterday. (I'm feeling tired and burnt out as I type this so I'm gonna make it quick.)

At the end of the day the most powerful takeaway was. 

"Hijab your heart first." - Ustazah Su'aidah, Soul Project 
"Stay positive and surround yourself with positive people." - Sis Nur 
"Doa for what you want, no matter how long it take. Doa and be patient." - Dila Jazzy 
"Let go and let God." - Rosita Hussin 
"Hijab covers my body but opens my heart to Allah."- Aida Saini

So basically, the quotes above are what they covered during the event too. The hosts and sisters who shared many things with the rest of us made the whole event so much more beneficial and inspiring. But they did get one thing straight from the start of the event; the event was not meant to make or force ladies into putting on the hijab. It's just an event to share stories and challenges faced when donning or wanting to don the hijab. And there were so many others who shared heartbreaking experiences that brought endless tears to my eyes. After each story, Ustazah Su'aidah would give a short opinion that related some verses from the Qur'an, hadith or sunnah, and I cried too. It's just an eye-opener, heart-opener, mind-opener all in one. 

One of the things she shared that made me and Mirah cry so badly was when she said banyak wanita masuk neraka. She said that during our Prophet Muhammad's Isra' Mi'raj journey, he encountered a lot of women suffering for their sins. Ustazah said this was because the women did not cover their aurat, give zakat, always complain, hurt their husbands' feelings etc. I cried so badly, I don't know why, but I was so scared. :(

After one particular story shared about how it took a sister 2 years to persuade her husband to allow her to wear the hijab, Ustazah asked the floor what the responsibilities of a wife are. And I loved what she said, "Our life as a wife is not to make our husband happy. We listen and obey our husband. We make Allah happy, whatever we do is to please Allah."


Touching giler, I tell you. She reiterated the importance of women giving lots of charity and to seek lots of forgiveness. She also shared about the difference between aurah and hijab. That's why now I have a better understanding of those two words. That's how she came about to the topic of "Hijab your heart first."

I really loved the session. There was also a segment of tutorials, different ways you can wear the hijab for Hari Raya later. And the hosts are so funny yet gentle and elegant. So inspiring. :3

And then, here's where it's gonna be embarrassing to admit it, I cried like a baby when someone asked what it means by "Allah is bigger than the problem." because Ustazah replied, "It means Allah is the solver of all problems. The moment you have a problem, focus on Allah." I remembered all the times I cried myself to sleep because of the problems I have, yet forgetting that all I had to do was turn to Him.

That's why yours truly nangis macam baby tak dapat minum susu. Mirah kat sebelah discreet-discreet lap tears. Gua bertissue-tissue lap hingus and tears. *inserts emoticon muka gelak2*

It was overwhelmingly nice to be there. And just nice, on the 3rd year anniversary since I started wearing the hijab. I can't remember the exact date; I'd have to comb through my blog archives for it but I know it's in July that I started wearing. Eh, I just checked! It was on 1st August that I really started wearing for good but takpe la. My niat started in July. Ahak!

It doesn't matter. As of right now, it's been 3 years. And I feel that I've changed for the better, and I still am improving myself. :)

That's about it, folks. I just noticed I've been blogging almost daily. :D

Today was stressful, though. My patience got tested really badly. Sigh.

Salam, and may you all always be in the best of health. InsyaAllah.

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