Sunday, April 15, 2012


So, today, for the first time in my life, I ditched work. & not just that, I didn't call to say I wasn't coming. When my sis dropped by the store to find someone, some of my colleagues actually asked her what happened to me, which is a HUGE surprise to me, seeing how I've tried to distance myself from them. I mean, it's not like they're bad or something, I've always said that I love my co-workers. But I'm just afraid that if I'm close to any one of them, it'd make it hard for me to leave. I absolutely don't want Uniqlo as a career, that's for sure, but there are those people who actually make work fun. Sigh. It's okay, one more week before I send in my resignation. I'm getting tired of it already.

So, Abang Fazli is getting married next year. We talked yesterday during my uncle's mini birthday celebration. It was actually fun, it's been a while since we cousins met. He's grown fatter, like, omg. You can totally tell the difference. It's not plump fat, but fat fat but not toooo fat. Hahaha. Plus, I'm almost reaching his height. Heh. Anyway, he's been in a relationship with Kak Fatilah for 4 years, like zomgggg. I admire couples who've been together for a long time. I mean, it takes a lot for a relationship to last that long. And then now that they're planning to get married, they actually took up marriage classes or something like that. You can see how serious they are. :D

I salute them. :)

Soooo, tomorrow I'm working again. Gosh, this kinda sucks. Now I wish I didn't choose Uniqlo but some assistant teacher job instead. Pfffft. Okay then, till here peepz. I don't really have anything to say actually. Just that, I'm tired, so very tired.

I want my old life back. :(

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