Saturday: It was okay. But because I was using energy since morning, by evening, I was already tired and even got too emotional when my family pissed me off over the phone. But anyway, Gamelan @ The Gardens was nice. I pretty much screwed up Kupu Kuwi with my super FAIL interlocking with Lina. Sigh. But at least we knew to keep going. But one thing to note is the fact that Botanical Gardens changed so much since the last time I was there, which was in Primary 5. & I suck for not bring any of my cameras that day. The scenery and lighting were absolutely perfect for a nice portrait. Sigh.
Today, was the last lesson of Hospitality and Tourism Management. Sure, there is a couple or two people that I didn't particularly like in that class, but the module was a useful one. Honestly, I learnt a lot from it and I think I don't regret taking it now. But still, the last lesson of the module in a semester is always an emotional one, especially when the class is attached to the teacher. He was a great storyteller, if not a draggy one, but it's from this kind of elderly teachers that we should look up to and learn from them because they've experienced so much more than us.
After the outing and lunch with dearest Faleela, I called Haz when she permitted it and found out that the class assigned to me is the "most well-behaved class", which is the most sarcastic way of putting it. Just my luck to have a naughty class as my first assignment. Baik uh, Mr.Jaffar, terima kasih la banyak-banyak. -.- Looks like I'll have to imagine this lot of kids in front of me when I'm teaching later: Farah + Nabilah + Keisha + Zahir + Ari + Maman + Daus. This is the only group that can get me really angry when they're together. We'll see how it goes. I'll just remain as optimistic as I can.
I just realized today that ever since secondary school, I've always tried not to show my weaknesses to people around me. I don't know why, but it's only today that I realized it. I put up a strong front and keep smiling, and when I'm at my worst state, be it in the mental or physical sense, I refuse to let people see me as weak.
Is that pride?
Well, bye then. See you in the next post. Till then, I hope you'll all be in the best of health. :)
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