Monday, August 29, 2011


Ramadhan came, and now, it's gone.
For some, they rejoice, for some, they wonder.
Will I see Ramadhan again next year?

From now on, every 1st Syawal, I will remember the day Angah had a fit and we all thought she was going to die. She acted just like it, salam-ing everyone and saying goodbye. Tomorrow will be the first year anniversary. I remember the events that happened that day as though it just happened yesterday. I cried oceans that day. I was so afraid. But it turned out she just lacked oxygen. Unfortunately, 2 months later, she really went. But I guess everything happens for a reason. When she passed away, she was finally put out of her misery.

Here's the first Aidilfitri without her. How time flies. She was very brave and strong throughout her cancer. I've never experienced the loss of a loved one like this. & I've been feeling this low since yesterday, when I remembered how we used to stay over at her house and spend the day playing Barbie in her spare room. Her house used to smell so nice. The crikcrik of her squeaky wheels wheelchair that used to always echo in our house last Ramadhan. I'm tearing up just typing this out.

It's amazing how one moment you could be alive and kicking. But yet, you don't know if you'll even be alive the next moment. Life is that short. Allah will just take you away without any warning.

Well, I'm sure all the Muslims out there are rejoicing on being able to eat in the afternoons now. Haha. So anyway...

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all my Muslim friends! Mohon maaf zahir dan batin.. If I've ever done you wrong, please accept my sincerest apologies. Love, Faz.

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