Thursday, February 11, 2010

Nobody Knows

I couldn't stop staring at it when I got home. It even made me cry, and I couldn't stop till my maid told me to solat maghrib before it was over. I don't know why, but it means a lot to me right now. I really don't know why.

I dreamt of my grandmother last night.

& today, my boyfriend's grandmother gave me the above.

Words cannot even describe how I feel right now.

& I don't know, maybe that dream meant something, so I decided to join my maid when she bace Surah Yassin (sp?). Soooo, my heart kinda feels at ease right now 'cause it's been a while since I read Yassin for my grandma. I hope she comes in my dreams again soon. I miss her, even though I can hardly remember my time with her.

It makes me appreciate what I have right now. It makes me thankful to have what I already have. I wouldn't ask for more, I wouldn't ask for less. I'm just fine with where I am now.

My maid told me about what her friend said to her:

"Kita minta pada Allah setangkai bunga segar dan indah. Namun diberiNya cactus berduri. Kemudian kita minta pada Allah binatang mungil dan cantik. DiberiNya ulat berbulu.

Kita sedih. Kita protes. Kita kecewa.

Adilkah ni?

Namun kemudian, cactus itu tumbuh dan berbunga indah banget sekali. Dan ulat itu pun berubah menjadi kupu-kupu yang teramat cantik.

SUBHANALLAH..! Itulah jalan Allah, indah pada waktunya. Allah tidak memberi apa yang kita harapkan, tetapi Allah memberi apa yang kita perlukan.

Semoga kita termasuk golongan orang-orang yang bersyukur atas segala ni'mat yang Allah berikan. Amin."

- Wariq

I am speechless.

The nights are lonely, the days are so sad
And I just keep thinkin' about the love that we had
And I'm missin' you
And nobody knows it but me

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