Saturday, September 19, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri !!!!

Finished reading Torn To Pieces!!! Awesome book, am loving it.

Anyway, back to what I wanted to post about, but before that, I think Kanye West is a jerk to actually ruin Taylor Swift's moment at the VMA. & Beyonce, is a good woman. Hmm.

Anyway, Raye is tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow!!! I received a lot of Raya wishes from friends and family. I just gotta say, that Syai's one cracked me up like shit, but Ahmad's is oh-sooooo-shweeet. & it's original! Wow, man, wow!

Anyway, final touchups to the house today. My arms ache so much 'cause I had to wipe the glass doors, and mirrors while Sisto wiped the fridge. But before that, Sisto and I had to hang up the curtains and it took an awful lot of energy. The best part? We're proud of the result because it was our efforts, and it turned out wonderful. My mum didn't buy Lilies, but some other nice flowers instead. Was supposed to go Geylang to see the lampu kelap-kelip but it got cancelled.

(A guy is confessing to Sisto as I type here right now. By sms. Awesome-ness. That's 2 confessions in a month! I know, she's hawt and irresistible and melts the males' hearts. Cool!)

Right, where was I?

Oh yeah. This Raya will be the third time that our family won't be the same anymore. I know I shouldn't complain and stuff, you know, just be glad with what I have. But I've always wanted my complete family back. & it seems like they just leave instead of staying to keep the family together. It's sad, really. But I guess I just gotta keep going, and see what the future will unfold. Maybe he'll come back, maybe she'll come back. & if they don't, I guess that's just our fate.

Oh yeah, did I mention that this morning when I woke up, I realized that I lost my camera charger and panicked, really panicked, like nobody's shit. I searched the house down but couldn't find it. It was only when Ahmad messaged that I thought of messaging Natasha. But I was panicking too much so I called her. I was like, I lost my camera charger!!! & she thought I said I lost my virginity. -_____________________-"

But anyway, I found it in the end. Phew. I had half my mind to run to Challenger and demand that they sell me a Canon 400D camera battery charger at the lowest price they can give me. Hahahhahahahahah.

Okay, this is too long a post than I had planned.


To all my favourite people: dearest friends, awesome W35F melayus, darling family and not forgetting my beloved Ahmad,

If I have ever done you guys any wrong, I hope you forgive me.
Let's forget about what's past and embrace a better future.
Okay, if that even sounds like the right thing to say.

I looooooooooooooooove you guys much much much x938758294098376284384

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