Saturday, July 22, 2017

You Don't Know

So jealous that my sis gets to do this again in Phuket

Not in the best of moods tonight.
Plus with the work piling up because I'm not catching up with anything,
it's adding more stress to my plate.
You can do this, Faz.
This is nothing like what the other 2 centres were like.
Have faith.

I know you've got the best intentions 
Just trying to find the right words to say 
Promise I've already learned my lesson 
But right now, I wanna be not okay

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

You Are My Everything

Current series I'm watching. Obsessed.
This is so last year though but who cares.


It's been a while, I think. I can finally say I'm pretty much happy with the new workplace. Alhamdulillah. After one bad egg, lol. But it's okay. I can see that the leaders here are professional and hey, my principal treated the teachers' lunch yesterday as a reward for our efforts last Friday. We had a project showcase for the parents. But anyway, all is well. Everything is back to normal for me. I have my days though. Lazy to go to work days, can money just drop from the sky as I lie on my bed mornings. Hahahaha. Every working adult goes through that and I have been for like, 6 years now? Time flies when you're really busy. Wow.

Actually, I'm really busy with work right now but I just finished submitting like 3 of my work related stuff so I can afford just a quick drop in here. Hahaha.

Oh, yes! Selamat hari raya Aidilfitri! This year, some things are different. We've all lost people we love and it is occasions like these that we really feel their absence. I was feeling very emotional the night before Eid because of my grandpa. It still feels like a gaping hole but we all heal. And with my graduation drawing close, I kept remembering his last advice to me. Never will forget the pride in his voice.

Okay, Imma go before I get too carried away!

Byeeee! Salam! Be in the best of health, InsyaAllah!

P.S The show ^ relighted my obsession with men in military uniforms. There's just something about the uniforms that make them so hot hahahaha. 

You are my everything
In the fate that falls like the stars
I met a person like you