Saturday, February 27, 2016

There is something incredibly wrong with me at this current moment. Actually, it only started last night. I believe it's the hormones. And I believe it only started after meeting Ahmad after who knows how long. I felt like I haven't seen him for years, haven't spoken to him for years and spending the few hours I did with him last night probably unhinged me. I realized how much I actually, really missed him. Maybe because I didn't get to talk to him so much this week, because I was just so damn tired, and work had me busy in the day so I can't talk to him either. Basically, I've been crying since we said our goodbyes last night.

Every song I listen to makes me think of him and I cry. Every single time I think of him, I cry. It's like someone just died and I don't know wtf is wrong with me and how to fix this. I was out with my parents today and while having lunch, I thought of him and a tear escaped from my eye. I had to quickly calm myself down or my parents would notice, like whytf was I crying in the middle of lunch.

Need this to be over asap. Can't go to work like this. 2 pregnant women at work complained of back pain, nausea and tantrums at home to their husbands. Yet, here I am crying like I'm pregnant too. Something is hell wrong right now.

I still haven't posted about Phuket. I just remembered. Ha. Ha.