Because I've been busy with all these.
I changed the physical layout of my class quite a few times.
But this will be final 'cause it made the classroom more spacious.
Sometimes I feel like I'm decorating my own home.
Sorry for the lack of updates for the past I don't know how long but it's long enough. Well, I don't care if anyone reads my blog anymore but the whole point of the blog is for me to rant and probably just share some things that's happening in my life.
For starters, I'm deprived of a life. Period. Come home, do work, go work, do work, go to sleep, think of work. Life can be a little stressful sometimes but I'm starting to cope better than I was in January. The parents are starting to warm up a little to me, though I've started to get annoyed by some.
Anyhoos, I kind of like the children better now. I realised that I need to embrace their behaviours in order to see their true sides. I have funny moments with them too. And they love jokes, and even laugh at my very lame jokes! Big surprise there. Cause people my age or older will just find me weird.
Funny moment 1:
Me: What are other ways you can show your parents that you are caring towards them?
Krishetha: When me and my mummy and daddy go supermarket, I help them by carrying *does carrying hand gesture* the bags.
Me: Carrying?
Krishetha: *paiseh cause she thinks she's wrong*
Me: *confident rabak* Children, when I say caring, it means to care for someone. To be nice towards others. Not carrying things.
Children: *laugh their assess off*
Me: *nak tarik tudung off*
Looking back, I thought maybe she meant the act of helping to carry the bags is caring towards her parents. Or.....not? Makes me laugh when I think about it hahaha! It's funny when children misunderstand you at the same time that you misunderstand them. It's like whatever they say could have many meanings and rationales.
Funny moment 2:
Me: So, how do you show your friends that you are caring towards them?
Praveenaa: *raises hand (MY BIGGEST RULE HAHA)* I eat chocolate for my friend.
Me: *stunned for a moment until it registers* You eat chocolate FOR your friend? *start laughing*
So, that's work. :)
Besides having a tough week and staying back till midnight on one of the days because the Big Boss was coming the day after, I feel pretty okay. And then that was when I realised that I should take the UniSim degree in early childhood.
Why? Because it's guaranteed recognised here in SG. I mean, if I were to take the one by Monash, it isn't fully recognised in SG, so what's the point of wasting 30K of my money when I know I won't be moving to Australia anytime soon? Besides, if I were to take the degree by UniSim, I would be recognised as an academic degree holder, not just in early childhood. That's a definite plus, of course. There's also 55% government subsidy so financially, I'd be able to afford it on my own without help from my parents. They've enough on their plates already.
I don't know what's holding me back though. Maybe it's the duration of the course. 3.5 years. Minimum. But then again, time will pass very fast, so that's okay. The modules are quite incredible. Very in-depth and complicated-sounding, so good luck to me. I'll probably apply in early March, if AIC can't get back to me about giving my transcript earlier.
Today, I went to the HDB place again with my parents. But while we had breakfast, my mum made a comment that, I don't know, I felt sad when I heard it. She said something along the lines of, Umie harap Long masih provide for Umie and Abah even lepas Ah Long kahwin.
My first thought was, is she doubting me?
Then I thought it's probably every parent's fear: being forgotten after their kids get married. Somehow, I felt sad that she would think that way for me. I mean, after all I've done to help her and my dad, ever since I got a job, doesn't it say anything? Me working hard, me planning to get a degree so that it'll entitle me to a much higher pay, is so that I can provide better for my parents. And future family. It's just, quite a turmoil of feelings. :(
On a brighter note! I made honey cornflakes the other day. Gave one small container to Ahmad 'cause I feel bad for not bringing stuff over lately. I know 'busy' is just an excuse but yeah, I've been busy. Hahahaha.
1 big box of cornflakes
Double boil butter and honey together
Mix them, duh.
Apparently the honey I used is not sweet and thick enough.
It's just a bottle I found at home.
So next time, use a brand called Hosen. :)
Guess that's about it, folks. I'm running out of things to say that isn't private. Till here then. Salam and may y'all be in the best and safest of health. :3
Faz lovin'-my-door lun
Tonight I've fallen and I can't get up
I need your loving hands to come and pick me up
And every night I miss you
I can just look up and know the stars are holding you
Holding you, holding you