Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Dekat Padamu

The major part of practicum is officially over!
And, I passed!

All the late nights were not for naught. All the stress was for the sake of doing well. All the hard work and effort made was worth it. The exhaustion I felt lifted after she told me I did very well. The strong support and motivation from my principal kept me going and motivated me to do better for Sparks next year.

Blessed to have such a supportive principal/leader in the team, as well as colleagues who encouraged and motivated me. My senior teacher kept saying that my confidence level this year boosted higher as compared to last year. Hahahaha. *quick stop to Kembangan* :p

This calls for a good, worth the read post!

So, the K1-3 turned K2-3 class had their full dress rehearsal last Thursday and I was head in charge of the class with Val and Jeanne to help me because their form teacher, Miss Suraya, was nominated by MP to be the emcee for the actual day. Their dance item was a song called Colours of the Wind from the Disney movie Pocahontas, which so happened to be the very movie I always, always watched when I was younger. It was my favourite movie, somehow romantic to me at that age. Hahaha. John and Pocahontas. Yup.

So I was pretty busy on that day, and also pretty pissed because of a few things but I decided to just let it go. I felt emotional too because this was the first class I had, I met, I bonded with, when I first started out here. I'm pretty sure I'd cry on the actual day. I feel immense pride for them at the moment, and probably, will always feel so. :)

And so, this was our candid staff photo. That day we took the photo, Mr Ahmad Mustaqim was waiting outside for me, that poor guy. We actually met for breakfast at Bugis and strolled around, because he was off work on that day. Speaking of which, practicum sucks because I don't get to lunch with him on his off days. Sigh.

I'm glad that I'm part of this team because I have such an understanding and supportive leader heading the team. Otherwise, all the rest of it would definitely suck and my life for the next 2 years would suck as well. But, I'll stay positive and take everything in stride. For the children. :)

So, I decided to come down to watch GNK's rehearsal last night and to also meet the person above. Because we haven't met for 2 weeks plus already. I know right. It sucks, of course. But what to do? We know it'll always be worth the wait. And it is! We joked, we laughed, we talked. I realised how much I missed his company, how much just being with him makes me happy, makes me forget everything and the fact that we hadn't met for some time. & he had the car so he sent me home! Hehehe! Sigh. Missing him so much #rightnow. Pfft.

Because we watched the Justin Timberlake hashtag video with Jimmy Fallon.
Hehehe. Because we like to entertain each other like this. :3

Okay la. #sweetestboyfriendaward

& to sum up this post, here's a mega shoutout to my favourite child-boyfriend (sorry, Mustaqim, heh) on his birthday today. Happy Birthday, my dearest cutest Wayn Goh! I wish you all the happiness, laughter and success in the world. May you grow to be a filial son to your parents, and a charming young man who'll make all the girls swoon, most definitely. Heh. He surprised me when he hugged me and said "I love you!" when he was dismissed to go home yesterday. Yours truly melted into mush. *hearts coming out from my eyes in millions* Hahahaha!

That's about it, folks! I've got 2 field visits to make next week in order to fulfil all the criteria for this practicum block and I'm done, back to classes in the morning, which I very much prefer but which will end in December. Better savour my last moments with the classmates. :3

This is where we say goodbye. Chehh, no la. I'm so happy at the moment, even though my cramps are killing the life of me. And that's just me being dramatic. I met Ahmad for the first time since ages, and may not get to again anytime soon, so I'm pretty much happy enough for yesterday's meeting. I passed my practicum. Wayn said those three words to me for the first time. The stress is pretty much reduced right now. Except for worrying about what level I get next year and who I'm stuck to work with. :(

Anyway, I will stay strong. With my bow and arrows, I will persevere. Chehhh~~

Till here then. Salam, and may ya'll always be in the best of health, Amin!

Walau jauh akan kugegas berlari 
Walau tinggi bisa kuterbang di langit 
Walau sedalam mana akan kuselami 
Kerana cinta sedalam itu mekar 
Bila ku dekat padamu

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I can only pray for strength right now.

I really highly doubt that working an 8 to 5 job is really this tiring. On the other days where I had to return to work in the mornings because AIC declared no classes for those days, I didn't feel as tired as I am right now.

The kind of exhaust I feel is just indescribable.

But maybe it's because I went to work over the weekend, staying as late as 12 midnight on Sunday. And then realizing that Rachelle and me forgot to turn off the hallway aircon, thus causing me to wake up at 4.25am the next day (Monday) to reach school before 6.30am so that the auntie won't come in and catch the aircon having been left on the entire night. I slept at 1am and woke up at 4.25am. Imagine how super duper shagged I was for work that Monday, which is actually yesterday!

I can't believe I lost sleep over an aircon........ =.=

But I'm still glad I came over the weekend. Everything is pretty much set up and ready for yesterday, for the children to practise with me just for my supervisor when she comes on Monday and Tuesday.

So nervous already, but my morning kids are pretty bright and smart, so there shouldn't be any problem. If my supervisor was going to observe me with my afternoon class, I'd probably cry on the spot. Hahaha.

Tomorrow, I plan to talk to my darling principal to tell her that I want the morning K2 class next year and the afternoon K1 class. We'll see how it goes.
I wanna be this carefree again.
I feel so mega shagged.

Till my next post.
Whenever that is.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

This is Alyssa.
She is the 3rd child I know who has Down Syndrome.
I realized I have a softer spot for children with special needs.
Unfortunately, my dad doesn't allow me to go into that sector.


I've had a rough week. From being constantly bullied by one single boy, to getting my tudung yanked by him and me dragged across the room because Jeanne was dragging him away from me, to people talking behind my back as usual, to being blamed for the stupid computer thing, to sigh, whatever.

Currently doing my lesson plans for when my practicum supervisor visits on the 28th and 29th. Woke up early to do housework, despite the fact that I slept at 2am. Jeesh. But the house is still messy, all thanks to Farah. Well, kids.

I don't have much to say 'cause I'm not really in the mood for saying much. But I do have to add that I finally gave the boyfriend his birthday present yesterday. And I thought Ahmad would send me to AIC alone but no, the whole family went along. Hahahaha. I still can't seem to warm up to his parents. I'm being too formal, still. :O But they seem okay with me. Like when I arrive for ngaji, his parents will be all smiles. And in my mind, I'd be like, "Okay, Faz, focus. Don't do anything stupid." Like trip over my dress.

*inserts muka gelak-gelak here*

Okay, I'm gonna go, otherwise I won't be able to finish my work. May the coming week go smoothly because it's the start of practicum! :O:O

Salam and me outz!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Feels Like The First Time



This is my art learning centre. I spent from 4.30pm to 7pm today to tidy and pack the unwanted stuff up. Preparing for my practicum which starts on Monday. Stress, stress.

My boyfriend just gave me a surprise call just now. Heh. So happy to hear his voice, you know. I've been so super busy with assignments and work, and he's been super busy with work and all that NS stuff, that we barely even have time to meet. And for the record, we haven't met for 2 and a half weeks now. If I told Rachelle this, she'd be like, "Huhhh? Why until like that?" Again. Sometimes, people just can't believe that we could drag on for weeks without meeting. I get that kind of reaction a lot from people. But honestly, it's not like I want this to happen to us. If I could, I want to meet him every single day, 24 hours. But, sometimes, life gets in the way and all you can do is suck it up and hang on. Because you know that the next time you get to meet, it would be worth all that long wait. :)

And this pretty much sums up the entire post. I haven't had a title for the past few posts, I think, so here goes one after a while. From the Pitch Perfect "The Riff-Off" scene, where Jesse stepped up with his song that made him so freaking hot! When I'm obsessed with a celebrity, I'm very obsessed right? Hahahaha. Okay. Time to sleep. Last class tomorrow before the week ends to start of with le practicum.

And I guess it's just the woman in you 
That brings out the man in me 
I know I can't help myself 
You're all in the world to me 
It feels like the first time 
It feels like the very first time 
It feels like the first time

Monday, October 7, 2013

Meet my current obsession right now.
Oh, that smile.

I'm starting to get better at my targeting.
Shooting more to the blue, red and yellow (bullseye)!
Can't tell you how happy I am!
And how excited I am to go there again!

Farewell outing for Phyu Phyu (the one in black cardigan)
Gonna miss her, of course.

Didn't intend to blog on anything in particular.
Just wanted to update on how much I love...


Didn't get to celebrate his birthday with him.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Meet my game stall!
Nerf gun #ftw

Awesome possum!
It was a super long q in the morning till I didn't have time to snap pictures.

Darling N2-4 kids who supported my game!

I was supposed to blog about this last night but I got so carried away doing my assignment essay that I forgot about this post. Anyway, it was an awesome and successful event. I love my children for the support and for being so cute! Joey was terrified of Siddique with the tiger face painting! Hahahah!


But I was so tired after that. My neverending queue of children caused me to have a backache after just 1 hour into the event. Probably because I had to reload the gun after every bullet for them because they're not strong enough. Now, both my upper arms and thigh muscles are aching like mad. :(

Anything for the smiles and laughter of children. :)

Anyway, this was how my baked pasta turned out after baking with cheese.
Mmmmmmmmm sedaaaaaaaaaaaaaapppppp!!!!!!!