My sis said this looks like a family portrait. HAHA!
GNK = <3
Maisarah Kamal = <3
That botak guy was actually saying Ha'eh, nyiaaawwww.
No comments. :p
Our names start with the same letter.
Or at least, the names that people call us by.
Farhana, Fazilah, Fazlun, Fazlina.
Thank you everyone who took the time to come down for Sumyar. The past three months, I've been involved in performances by the professional Gamelan groups and I have to say, they are experiences that would only come once in a lifetime. I am grateful to have been given the opportunity to perform with professionals. & for those who came down, thank you so much!
I think I was too obvious during Srepeg Nem. My sis could tell that I was struggling with the gong. HAHA! Oh wells.
Kak Lynn denied the planned engagement. All Abang Nabil did was smile. Hahaha. But seriously seh, he changed a lot since the last time I saw him, which was in 2008, I think. Must be the NS thing. You're not a real man yet until you've served the nation. Good luck, boys. But anyway, I can't wait till she gets married!!! It's like, finally a cousin on mum's side getting married. Hahahaha!
& speaking of getting married, there's a pengantin portrait on FB. Go figure. HAHA!
I'm very happy with what I've achieved the past few months. I've learnt so much and enjoyed myself throughout. & like I told my sis, "When you play music, you're so focused on the music you're making that you actually leave all your troubles behind." I did. & I've never felt better.
& now, I have to start focusing back on reality. I'm considering using my pay to fix my piano. Wonder how much that'll cost. Hmm.
Nights, all!!