GNK @ Esplanade! <3

Ikan sudah pulang ke tanah air.
(Sounds wrong in some ways.)

Finally, another couple picture after.....
A few months?
I ain't complain' though.

Boy: Cik, cik! Saye hauuuusssss!
Cik: Hmmmmmmmmmmm????
LOL LOL LOL!!!!!!!!!
*inside joke*

Well, so far, the past week has been draining, which is probably why I haven't been updating blog or Tumblr. Just twitter. So:
29 Mar: GNK Spring Cleaning. Tired the shit outta me.
30 Mar: Marketing Workshop with Zaini Tahir, my "blood bro", as Ahmad puts it. It wasn't so bad, 'cause he made it funny and interesting. After that was the usual training in G room.
31 Mar: Training as usual. Ohohoh! Finally got part of 4Play on the Sundanese drums, all thanks to Shaa and Ahmad and maybe some credits to Azhar la eh. Haha. Lovin' the Sundanese drums now. Did I mention that I had a blue coloured bruise on my right palm after I played those drums? Boy, sakit tauuuu!!! But it ain't stopping me from learning more. :)
1 Apr: Marketing workshop part 2. Booorrrriiinnnngggg!!!! Though we did get some tips on how to make better posters. Other than that, pretty much tired during the workshop. Even managed to fall asleep but Mirah made me wake up. After that, had lunch, then Pak Amran wanted us to watch his school perform and give him feedback on how to improve. Damn gamelan instruments had wheels! WTF??? So easy for them to transport here and there. But really, for a primary school, they're pretty good.
2 Apr: Went swimming at Mountbatten. I got darker. -.- Bummer. But, I had fun in the deep pool with Sisto. It was hilarious! Here's part of a convo we had:-
Sis: Hold on, Jack! Hold on!
Me: -.- There was no such thing in the movie.
Sis: Oh. *thinks* I'll never let go, Jack. I promise.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!! She's so crazy in so many ways.
But get this straight, we didn't pretend we were Jack and Rose or something.
She just happened to say that out of the blue. Hahaahah.
Anyway, I have to go. This should be enough of an update. I've got BTT tomorrow, wish me luck, people! It's like, so fast! Felt like yesterday that I followed Dad to register and q-ing up for it, and now, tomorrow, I'll be sitting for it. Then I'll be making Ahmad's granny's marble cake since she requested it. Mum said I will have to do it myself. Bummer. Haha.
P.S: I hope Nurul Aini doesn't buy the house. I hope to God she doesn't, man.