This is for you, NATASHA YOW HISHAM !!
You know I'll always be here for you.
Phew. What a weekend. It started out bad (Friday), but Saturday was AWWSOME, even though I was down with a 38.1 degree fever that morning. HAHA. Bonsai Garden is preeeeeetttyyy. & jamming was niceeeee. The Gone So Young song was niceeeee. & Shak, as usual, superrrr funny.
Yesterday, I superr screwed up my side of gong. Superrr tired, superrr blur, superrr nervous, superrr in pain. & the worst thing, I actually forgot to bring my notes. Mirah almost killed me in the train. Haha. & ehh, Ahmad lost his concentration on drums just 'cause Farah pointed him out to my daddy dearest. Hahahahahahahahahahha. Wish that was caught on video. Muke confirm panicked.
Finished up the drawings for Mum's poster thingy, which reminds me, I have yet to cut them out. Bummer. & ohh!! I can never get over Ahmad being so geli geli. He's so ticklish la, poke a bit, dah toink. Hahahahahaahahahah. It's so fun to make him ticklish like that. Heh. Heh. Heh.
You can never truly understand until you become a parent. What you'd do to make your child happy, to give them what they want, to keep them alive.
Did I mention that Mum had a wedding cupcakes display on Thursday at Sheraton Hotel? OHMYGAWD, damn awesome, and freaking nice. & the whole ballroom setup had the theme red and purple, and they used violets and RED ROSES. Beautiful, simply gorgeous.
I'm in love, man, am in love.
Heh, got a date with Mirah on Thursday, another one with Natasha on Friday. Awesome pe.
Oh, I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh when you know you're about to cry
And I know your favorite songs and you tell me about your dreams
Think I know where you belong
Think I know it's with me